October 24 2022 Online - Hash Auctions

October 24 2022 Online

October 24 2022 Online

First lot closes at 5:04 pm

This is a new bidding platform.  You will need to create a new account, if you have not registered since APRIL

When placing a bid, the system will ask you to verify your bid.  AT THAT TIME look at your bid amount and double check the decimal point.  Decimal points matter. You cannot change a bid once placed.  AGAIN verify your bid.  We have a dual verification in place for you to catch your errors before you place the bid.

The auction is a SOFT CLOSE, meaning that If someone places a bid in the last minute of an online auction, the end time for the specific lot is extended. The process continues until there are no more bids made within the last seconds



632 E Main St, Berryville, Virginia 22611
Preview Starts and Ends
Ended on